Venedig: Tickets für den Markusdom und Audioguide

Keine Warteschlangen, kein Stress – nur du, der Markusdom und ein Audioguide, der die goldenen Mosaike zum Leben erweckt. Entscheide dich für das Upgrade zur Terrasse für einen atemberaubenden Blick, der dich noch mehr in Venedig verlieben lässt!

Eintrittskarten für den Markusdom
Exklusiver Zugang zur Terrasse (falls ausgewählt)
Skip-the-Line Zugang (durch die Sicherheitskontrolle)
Digitaler Audioguide
Unterstützung am Treffpunkt
Mehr Informationen

Bist du bereit, die Warteschlangen zu überspringen und einen der atemberaubendsten Orte Venedigs zu entdecken? Der Markusdom wartet auf dich, mit seinen unglaublichen goldenen Mosaiken, die dir Geschichten erzählen, die du nicht vergessen wirst. Mit deinem Audioguide entdeckst du die verborgenen Schätze und faszinierenden Geschichten hinter jedem funkelnden Detail.

Die Mischung aus byzantinischen, gotischen und Renaissance-Stilen wird dich sprachlos machen, und das goldene Altarbild? Ein echtes Highlight.

Willst du das Ganze noch unvergesslicher machen? Upgrade zur Terrasse für einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Venedig von oben.

Was ist enthalten:

  • Eintrittskarten für den Markusdom
  • Exklusiver Zugang zur Terrasse (falls ausgewählt)
  • Skip-the-Line Zugang (durch Sicherheitskontrolle)
  • Digitaler Audioguide
  • Unterstützung am Treffpunkt
  • Was nicht enthalten ist:

  • Geführte Tour durch den Markusdom
  • Hotelabholung und -rückgabe
  • Wichtige Informationen
    Do I need to bring any identification?

    No identification is required to enter Saint Mark’s Basilica. However, we recommend having a copy of your booking confirmation for smooth entry.

    What happens if I arrive late?

    Tickets are issued with a designated entry time, and punctuality is required. Late arrivals will result in ticket forfeiture, and entry cannot be guaranteed.

    Is there a dress code I need to follow?

    Yes, Saint Mark’s Basilica is a religious site, and visitors are required to dress modestly. Shoulders and knees must be covered for both men and women. Entry may be denied if the dress code is not respected.

    Are there any items that are not allowed inside?

    Large bags, backpacks, and suitcases are not permitted inside Saint Mark’s Basilica. Additionally, food, drinks, and flash photography are prohibited. A storage area is available nearby for bags if needed.

    Will the activity proceed if the weather is bad?

    Yes, the visit will proceed rain or shine. However, in cases of extreme weather conditions or high tide (acqua alta), access may be temporarily restricted for safety reasons.

    Does the skip-the-line ticket mean I can bypass security checks?

    No, all visitors must go through a mandatory security check before entering the Basilica. The skip-the-line ticket allows you to bypass the long entry queues but does not exempt you from security screening.

    Can Saint Mark’s Basilica close without notice?

    Yes, Saint Mark’s Basilica may close unexpectedly due to religious ceremonies, special events, or unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, access may be limited or rescheduled based on availability.

    What is included in my ticket?

    Your ticket includes skip-the-line entry and an audio guide to explore the main area of the Basilica at your own pace.

    What are the optional upgrades?

    Pala d’Oro Access: View the magnificent golden altarpiece, one of the Basilica’s greatest treasures.
    Full Access: Includes the Pala d’Oro, the museum, and access to the terrace, offering panoramic views over St. Mark’s Square.

    Can I purchase an upgrade on-site?

    Upgrades can be purchased on-site, but availability is not guaranteed, especially during busy times when long lines are expected. If you are interested in an upgrade, it is better to book it in advance to secure your preferred option.

    Is the Basilica wheelchair accessible?

    Yes, St. Mark's Basilica is accessible to visitors with physical disabilities and wheelchair users. Entry to the Basilica and the Treasury is via the Porta dei Fiori entrance on the left side, equipped with a ramp. The Museum on the upper floor is accessible by lift and stair lifts. However, the terrace requires climbing stairs and is not wheelchair-friendly. For assistance, please contact a staff member at the Porta dei Fiori entrance upon arrival.

    Venedig: Tickets für den Markusdom und Audioguide
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